About the industry
Provides an overview of the industry, its definition, and its links with other industries in the Turkish economy.
Statistical overview
Provides overall introduction to industry statistics covering turnover, total purchases, purchased for resale, value added, production value, change in stocks, number of enterprises, number of employees and employed people and personal costs. This section also covers the economy's position in the current business cycle and articulates how the industry is impacted by the current business cycle.
Statistical information presented in our reports are based on Government sources such as Turkish Statistical Institution and relevant Government departments as well as company annual reports.
Key market players
Provides some high-level analysis of the largest three enterprises of the industry.
Industry outlook
This section considers the factors which affect the environment in which the industry players operate. The changes affecting the industry derive such as production volumes and prices, government incentives/subsidies, population increase, changes in disposable income, macroeconomic landscape, EU negotiations and international trade.
TurkAnalitik's forecasts of the number of enterprises, employees, and persons employed, personnel costs in the industry, change in stocks of goods and services, purchases of goods and services, total purchases of goods and services, value added at factor costs, production value and turnover are also presented in section. Forecasts are produced for the next five years. Factors are used as exogenous inputs into TurkAnalitik's ARIMAX model in generating the forecasted values.
Products and services
Provides an overview all the products and services of the industry.
Competitive landscape
Covers various aspects of the competitive landscape including industry concentration, competition, barriers to entry, globalization levels, cost structure, technology and industry assistance.
Enterprises in focus
Enterprises that were analysed in the 'Key market players' section are analysed in depth; including financial information such as balance sheet and profit and loss statements, as well as financial ratio analysis where available.

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There are no more reports within this section.

There are no more reports within this section.

There are no more reports within this section.

There are no more reports within this section.

There are no more reports within this section.

There are no more reports within this section.

There are no more reports within this section.

There are no more reports within this section.

There are no more reports within this section.

There are no more reports within this section.

There are no more reports within this section.

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