TurkAnalitik's mission is to narrow an existing knowledge gap in the availability of business information on Turkish industries and bring European organisations a step closer to Turkish economy.
Message from the Founder
I was inspired by how colonies of ants live their life since I was a little boy. The way they search for food and alert others in the colony on the location of the sources found and then bring all these disparate food sources together to serve a common purpose.
I copied the way ants work towards their instinctive objectives in establishing TurkAnalitik, by finding the most relevant, insightful facts and then bringing them together to provide easily digestible analyses on Turkish industries. My purpose in doing so is to enable global businesses to understand the Turkish market as a profitable market for their goods and services.
My passion is inventing independent, effective and accurate ways to provide information to my clients and then turning information into insights and business ideas to generate revenues for my clients’ businesses.
TurkAnalitik's industry classifications follow European Classification of Economic Activities (NACE) Rev. 2. Our reports are provided to you at NACE Rev.2 section (21 reports) and division levels (88 reports available in 2020). These industries are available for you either individually or by subscription. Here is the list of the reports available.
Agriculture, forestry and fishing industry,
Mining and quarrying industry,
Manufacturing industry,
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply industry,
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities industry,
Construction industry,
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles industry,
Transportation and storage industry,
Accommodation and food service activities industry,
Information and communication industry,
Financial and insurance activities industry,
Real estate activities industry,
Professional, scientific and technical activities industry,
Administrative and support service activities industry,
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security industry,
Education industry,
Human health and social work activities industry,
Arts, entertainment and recreation industry,
Other service activities industry,
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services industry,
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies industry.
Feel free to get in touch with me at — taylan@turkanalitik.com
Taylan Akay, PhD
Research Strategist, Data Scientist and Chief Economist